I Will Live My Life According To These Beliefs
God does not exist
It’s just foolish to think
That there is an all-knowing God with a cosmic plan
That an all-powerful God brings purpose to the pain and suffering in the world
Is a comforting thought however
It Is only wishful thinking
People can do as they please without eternal consequences
The idea 
That I am deserving of hell
Because of sin 
Is a lie meant to make me a slave to those in power
“The more you have, the happier you will be”
Our existence has no grand meaning or purpose
In a world with no God
There is freedom to be who I want to be
But with God 
Life is an endless cycle of guilt and shame
Without God 
Everything is fine
It is ridiculous to think
I am lost and in need of saving

That’s how I felt before CHRIST opened my eyes, changed my heart,


(Read it from bottom to top.)




I hear it loud and clear
into my ears down to my heart
from people to me so dear
words that tear me apart

It wounded me so deep
will it ever heal?
I cry myslef to sleep
till pain I can no longer feel

Part of me is crashing
nobody tries to listen
eyes that are tired of crying
every piece was broken

down to the ground
every thing is falling
His love is what I’ve found
when hope is fading

Finding Joy

Donbury Pond

Joy can be an elusive thing,
Like playing hide-and-seek as a child;
Life starts much like a children’s game,
then pain in many forms we learn to hide.

We bury deep those things that bother most,
Force out smiles so others cannot see;
And for a time we tend to keep control,
‘Til sadness starts to swallow up our peace.

When the search is started for that we’ve lost,
the game can take a dark and stormy turn;
For in that thing that joy once was thought,
One finds the hardest lesson to be learned.

Shake yourself, do not get so down
Set yourself to start your search anew;
For joy is truly out there to be found,
You’ll find it in Jesus, then Others, then You.

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